Crystal Reports How To — Filter On Boolean Value

Peter Musu`
1 min readAug 6, 2020


Crystal Reports How To — Filter On Boolean Value

Scenario: A value is passed which will display ‘Active’ products only or show Both ‘Active’ and ‘Inactive’.

Note: Assume there is another filter in place.

  1. Create a Crystal Report Formula;
  2. Suppress in the ‘Section’ you want to Suppress.

Step 1:

IF {?IncludeInactive}=FALSE THEN ( IF {Command.ProductActive} = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 ) ELSE //{?IncludeInactive}=”TRUE” THEN 1

Step 2:

E.g. Use Formula in Step 1 to Suppress Details section:

{@ShowInactiveFormula} = 0 OR {?Layout}=’External’

