Crystal Reports How To — Parse Comma Separated String Parameters
Crystal Reports How To — Parse Comma Separated String Parameters
Create a multi-value parameter ({?Customer Name}) with these properties: • Default Value: ALL • All multiple values: TRUE Add a row to the parameter’s pick-list grid; supply ‘ALL’ and ‘ALL’ (without single quotes) Create a Custom Function (named ‘Delimit’) with this text: // Delimit()// enclose each value in array in **, returning an arrayFunction (Stringvar Array params) Split(“*” + Join(params, “*,*”) + “*”, “,”) Modify the report’s record-selection formula: If {?Customer Name}<>”ALL” Then {TABLE.CUSTOMER_NAME} LIKE Delimit({?Customer Name})Else True Optionally, create a formula to display the parameter’s values with this text: //{@Customer Name}Join( Delimit({?Customer Name}), “;”)